Note: This site will be going away soon, along with all other domains and services. Thanks for all the fish! Updated images from -current: For support and distro-provided images, visit: or These are stable (15.0) images. For development (rolling / -current) images, see: Built using: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ login: root password: [you are prompted to create one after first boot] This is now possible over SSH after first boot. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Core images (no window manager or desktop environment installed): You can build up from these to install any set of packages, to turn your system into a server and/or a desktop. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kernels with known CVEs have been removed. Kernels from the 5.15.y series are vanilla upstream, are unpatched for any specific board, and are unlikey to work fully. YMMV. ATOM/RSS feeds available for each directory via the atom.php file, just pass the link for that file to your feed reader and you will get updates when new files are uploaded to the directory you would like to monitor. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Installation on a sdcard: Unpack the IMAGE file and record by running the following on the SD card, assumes you only have one image in the current directory ( /dev/mmcblkX = your sd card device ): sha256sum -c slarm64-*.img.xz.sha256 #checksums not matching indicates a bad download, try again unxz slarm64-*.img.xz dd if=slarm64-*.img of=/dev/mmcblkX bs=10MB #needs root permissions, adjust SD card location as needed. sync ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SUPER EXTRA THANKS to sndwvs! donate: For those who are new to Slackware: [while some of this does not apply to slarm64 or is outdated, much is still relevant and a good starting point in any case] GNU World Order is a great podcast with a lot of relevant Slackware-related information. Highly recommended. - slarmboards [4t] sunpowered [d0t] homes