Note: This site will be going away soon, along with all other domains and services. Thanks for all the fish! Built using: login: root password: [you are now prompted to create one after first boot] Images for different boards are in corresponding directories. Look there for board-specific info. Individual kernels are available in the kernels/ directory if you just need to upgrade your kernel packages and/or boot files. ATOM/RSS feeds available for each directory via the atom.php file, just pass the link for that file to your feed reader and you will get updates when new files are uploaded to that directory. Note: These are only a few of the many possibilities of kernel/DE/patches/boards that are possible with the build script mentioned above. If you do not see your board supported, or if you want different kernels and/or features than what you see here, I encourage you to learn how to build your own images. I only build what I need, and I upload them to share them with the world. There are not enough hours in the day to build and upload all possible combinations. If you want something custom, you can do it yourself. That is the beauty of the script. In the mean time, enjoy. SUPER EXTRA THANKS to sndwvs! donate: For those who are new to Slackware: [while some of this does not apply to slarm64 or is outdated, much is still relevant and a good starting point in any case] GNU World Order is a great podcast with a lot of relevant Slackware-related information. Highly recommended. - slarmboards [4t] 3space [d0t] xyz